-- -- Glyn Astill 27/05/2012 -- Function to schedule in order to log and possibly terminate long running transactions -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.pg_log_long_xact(interval, boolean, text, interval, interval, boolean); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.pg_log_long_xact( in_duration interval, -- Report all transactions running longer than this in_report_blockers boolean DEFAULT false, -- Also report detail of the blocking transaction. Default false. in_raise_type text DEFAULT 'notice', -- Level to use with raise, can be notice/debug/log/info/warning or something else to return as text. Default notice. in_cancel_duration interval DEFAULT null, -- Attempt to cancel the current statement of longest running transaction if running longer than this, starting with blockers. Default don't do anything. in_terminate_duration interval DEFAULT null, -- Attempt to terminate the longest running transaction if running longer than this, starting with blockers. Default don't do anything. in_cancel_all boolean DEFAULT false) -- When false will only attempt to cancel/terminate one at a time, when true will mercilessly cancel/terminate all. Default false. RETURNS SETOF text AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_xact record; v_blk_xact record; v_line text; v_cx_attempts integer := 0; BEGIN FOR v_xact IN ( SELECT procpid AS pid, usename, COALESCE(application_name,'[unknown]') as app, COALESCE(client_addr || ':' || client_port, '[local]') AS client, current_query, current_timestamp-xact_start AS runtime_int, extract(EPOCH FROM current_timestamp-xact_start) AS runtime, waiting FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE current_timestamp-xact_start > in_duration AND datname = current_database() ORDER BY waiting ASC, runtime DESC ) LOOP v_line := E'long_xact pid: ' || v_xact.pid || ' duration: ' || v_xact.runtime || ' ms user: ' || v_xact.usename || ' application: ' || v_xact.app || ' client: ' || v_xact.client ||' statement: ' || v_xact.current_query; CASE lower(in_raise_type) WHEN 'notice' THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', v_line; WHEN 'debug' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'log' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'info' THEN RAISE INFO '%', v_line; WHEN 'warning' THEN RAISE WARNING '%', v_line; ELSE RETURN NEXT v_line; END CASE; -- Really better to enable log_lock_waits than use this IF in_report_blockers AND v_xact.waiting THEN SELECT INTO v_blk_xact extract(EPOCH FROM current_timestamp-ba.xact_start) AS blk_runtime, b.pid AS blk_pid, ba.usename AS blk_usename, COALESCE(ba.application_name,'[unknown]') as blk_app, COALESCE(ba.client_addr || ':' || ba.client_port, '[local]') AS blk_client, ba.current_query AS blk_query, COALESCE(t.schemaname || '.' || t.relname || ' (' || b.mode || ')', bt.locks, '[unknown]') AS blk_relation, CASE b.locktype WHEN 'transactionid' THEN 'transaction id ' || b.transactionid ELSE b.locktype END AS blk_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks l LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks b ON b.granted AND ((b.locktype = 'transactionid' AND b.transactionid = l.transactionid) OR (b.locktype = 'relation' AND b.relation = l.relation)) AND b.pid != l.pid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity ba ON ba.procpid = b.pid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables t ON l.relation = t.relid LEFT JOIN (SELECT pid, 'any (' || string_agg(schemaname || '.' || relname || ' (' || mode || ')',', ') || ')' AS locks FROM pg_locks JOIN pg_stat_user_tables ON relation = relid WHERE mode ~ 'ExclusiveLock' GROUP BY pid) bt ON bt.pid = b.pid WHERE l.pid = v_xact.pid AND NOT l.granted LIMIT 1; IF FOUND THEN v_line := E'long_xact waiter pid: ' || v_xact.pid || ' blocker detail is; pid: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_pid || ' duration: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_runtime || ' ms relation: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_relation || ' lock type: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_type || ' user: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_usename || ' application: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_app || ' client: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_client || ' statement: ' || v_blk_xact.blk_query; CASE lower(in_raise_type) WHEN 'notice' THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', v_line; WHEN 'debug' THEN RAISE DEBUG '%', v_line; WHEN 'log' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'info' THEN RAISE INFO '%', v_line; WHEN 'warning' THEN RAISE WARNING '%', v_line; ELSE RETURN NEXT v_line; END CASE; END IF; END IF; -- In 9.3+ it's really better to use lock_timeout than use this IF (v_cx_attempts = 0 OR in_cancel_all) AND in_cancel_duration IS NOT NULL AND v_xact.runtime_int > in_cancel_duration THEN v_cx_attempts := v_cx_attempts+1; IF v_xact.current_query <> ' in transaction' AND pg_cancel_backend(v_xact.pid) THEN v_line := 'long_xact cancelled backend with pid: ' || v_xact.pid; CASE lower(in_raise_type) WHEN 'notice' THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', v_line; WHEN 'debug' THEN RAISE DEBUG '%', v_line; WHEN 'log' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'info' THEN RAISE INFO '%', v_line; WHEN 'warning' THEN RAISE WARNING '%', v_line; ELSE RETURN NEXT v_line; END CASE; ELSIF in_terminate_duration IS NOT NULL AND v_xact.runtime_int > in_terminate_duration THEN IF pg_terminate_backend(v_xact.pid) THEN v_line := 'long_xact terminated backend with pid: ' || v_xact.pid; CASE lower(in_raise_type) WHEN 'notice' THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', v_line; WHEN 'debug' THEN RAISE DEBUG '%', v_line; WHEN 'log' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'info' THEN RAISE INFO '%', v_line; WHEN 'warning' THEN RAISE WARNING '%', v_line; ELSE RETURN NEXT v_line; END CASE; ELSE v_line := 'long_xact unable to terminate backend with pid: ' || v_xact.pid; CASE lower(in_raise_type) WHEN 'notice' THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', v_line; WHEN 'debug' THEN RAISE DEBUG '%', v_line; WHEN 'log' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'info' THEN RAISE INFO '%', v_line; WHEN 'warning' THEN RAISE WARNING '%', v_line; ELSE RETURN NEXT v_line; END CASE; END IF; ELSE v_line := 'long_xact unable to cancel backend with pid: ' || v_xact.pid; CASE lower(in_raise_type) WHEN 'notice' THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', v_line; WHEN 'debug' THEN RAISE DEBUG '%', v_line; WHEN 'log' THEN RAISE LOG '%', v_line; WHEN 'info' THEN RAISE INFO '%', v_line; WHEN 'warning' THEN RAISE WARNING '%', v_line; ELSE RETURN NEXT v_line; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE;