1 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // This file contains some DataFlex 3.2 Console Mode functions
4 // to provide base64 and rc4 encoding/decoding. More advanced
5 // encoding and encryption can be found in win32.inc.
7 // This file is to be included in df32func.mk
9 // Copyright (c) ????, ????@????.?? (unknown origin)
11 // df32func/encode.inc
12 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 // Check if a string is base64
19 function is_base64 global integer c returns integer
20 if (c >= ascii('A') and c <= ascii('Z')) function_return true
21 else if (c >= ascii('a') and c <= ascii('z')) function_return true
22 else if (c >= ascii('0') and c <= ascii('9')) function_return true
23 else if (c = ascii('+')) function_return true
24 else if (c = ascii('/')) function_return true
25 else if (c = ascii('=')) function_return true
26 else function_return false
29 //encode integer to hex ascii code
30 function int_encode64 global integer uc returns integer
31 if (uc < 26) function_return (ascii('A')+uc)
32 else if (uc < 52) function_return (ascii('a')+(uc-26))
33 else if (uc < 62) function_return (ascii('0')+(uc-52))
34 else if (uc = 62) function_return (ascii('+'))
35 else function_return (ascii('/'))
38 //decode hex to integer ascii code
39 function int_decode64 global integer c returns integer
40 if (c >= ascii('A') and c <= ascii('Z')) function_return (c - ascii('A'))
41 else if (c >= ascii('a') and c <= ascii('z')) function_return (c - ascii('a') + 26)
42 else if (c >= ascii('0') and c <= ascii('9')) function_return (c - ascii('0') + 52)
43 else if (c = ascii('+')) function_return 62
44 else function_return 63
48 function encode64 global string sText returns string
49 local integer iLen iPos iChar
50 local integer by1 by2 by3
51 local integer by4 by5 by6 by7
54 move (length(sText)) to iLen
57 if iPos Lt 1 function_return
59 while (iPos <= iLen)
68 if (iPos+0 <= iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+0))) to by1
69 if (iPos+1 <= iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+1))) to by2
70 if (iPos+2 <= iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+2))) to by3
71 move (rshift(by1,2)) to by4
72 move (lshift((by1 iand 3),4) ior rshift(by2,4)) to by5
73 move (lshift((by2 iand 15),2) ior rshift(by3,6)) to by6
74 move (by3 iand 63) to by7
76 append sRet (character(int_encode64(by4)))
77 append sRet (character(int_encode64(by5)))
79 if (iPos+1<=iLen) append sRet (character(int_encode64(by6)))
80 else append sRet "="
82 if (iPos+2<=iLen) append sRet (character(int_encode64(by7)))
83 else append sRet "="
85 move (iPos+3) to iPos
87 function_return sRet
90 // decode from base64
91 function decode64 global string sText returns string
92 local integer iLen iPos iChar isOK
93 local integer c1 c2 c3 c4
94 local integer cc1 cc2 cc3
95 local integer by1 by2 by3 by4
98 move (length(sText)) to iLen
101 for iPos from 1 to iLen
102 move (is_base64(ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos)))) to isOK
109 move (ascii('A')) to c1
110 move (ascii('A')) to c2
111 move (ascii('A')) to c3
112 move (ascii('A')) to c4
114 if (iPos+0<=iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+0))) to c1
115 if (iPos+1<=iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+1))) to c2
116 if (iPos+2<=iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+2))) to c3
117 if (iPos+3<=iLen) move (ascii(mid(sText,1,iPos+3))) to c4
119 move (int_decode64(c1)) to by1
120 move (int_decode64(c2)) to by2
121 move (int_decode64(c3)) to by3
122 move (int_decode64(c4)) to by4
124 append sRet (character(lshift(by1,2) ior rshift(by2,4)))
125 if (c3<>ascii('=')) append sRet (character(lshift((by2 iand 15),4) ior rshift(by3,2)))
126 if (c4<>ascii('=')) append sRet (character(lshift((by3 iand 3) ,6) ior by4))
128 move (iPos+4) to iPos
131 function_return sRet
134 procedure set rc4_array_value integer iIndex integer iVal
135 move (iIndex+1) to iIndex
137 move (Overstrike(character(iVal),rc4SBXA,iIndex)) to rc4SBXA
138 else move (Overstrike(character(iVal),rc4SBXB,iIndex-128)) to rc4SBXB
141 function rc4_array_value integer iIndex returns integer
143 move (iIndex+1) to iIndex
145 move (ascii(mid(rc4SBXA,1,iIndex))) to iRet
146 else move (ascii(mid(rc4SBXB,1,iIndex-128))) to iRet
147 function_return iRet
150 procedure create_rc4_key string key
151 local integer a b keylen idx
152 local integer ikey atmp btmp
154 move (length(key)) to keylen
156 // initialise key array
157 move rc4SBXA to rc4SBXA_TMP
158 move rc4SBXA to rc4SBXB_TMP
163 for idx from 0 to 255
164 set rc4_array_value idx to idx
167 // encode key array
168 for a from 0 to 255
169 move (ascii(mid(key,1,mod(a,keylen)+1))) to ikey
170 get rc4_array_value a to atmp
171 move (mod((b+atmp+ikey),256)) to b
173 get rc4_array_value b to btmp
175 set rc4_array_value a to btmp
176 set rc4_array_value b to atmp
181 function rc4 global string key string text returns string
182 local integer ix iy temp offset origlen cipherlen
183 local integer ixtmp iytmp ixytmp ixc
186 send create_rc4_key key
187 move (length(text)) to origlen
190 for offset from 1 to origlen
191 move (mod((offset-1),256)) to ix
192 get rc4_array_value ix to ixtmp
193 move (mod((iy+ixtmp),256)) to iy
195 get rc4_array_value ix to ixtmp
196 get rc4_array_value iy to iytmp
198 set rc4_array_value ix to iytmp
199 set rc4_array_value iy to ixtmp
201 move (ascii(mid(text,1,offset))) to ixc
203 get rc4_array_value ix to ixtmp
204 get rc4_array_value iy to iytmp
205 get rc4_array_value (mod((ixtmp+iytmp),256)) to ixytmp
206 move ((ixc ior ixytmp) - (ixc iand ixytmp)) to ixc //XOR
208 move (sRet+(character(ixc))) to sRet
210 function_return sRet
213 function rc4encode global string key string text returns string
214 function_return (rc4(key,text))
217 function rc4decode global string key string text returns string
218 function_return (rc4(key,text))
221 function rc4encode_base64 global string key string text returns string
222 function_return (encode64(rc4encode(key,text)))
225 function rc4decode_base64 global string key string text returns string
226 function_return (rc4decode(key,decode64(text)))