--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Npgsql;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace EncTest
+ class Program
+ {
+ private static Encoding _eCp850 = Encoding.GetEncoding(850);
+ private static Encoding _eUnicode = Encoding.UTF8;
+ private static Encoding _eLatin1 = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1");
+ public static string encode_cp850(string sText)
+ {
+ string sReturn;
+ byte[] bSource;
+ byte[] bTarget;
+ bSource = _eUnicode.GetBytes(sText);
+ bTarget = Encoding.Convert(_eUnicode, _eCp850, bSource);
+ sReturn = _eLatin1.GetString(bTarget);
+ return sReturn;
+ }
+ public static string decode_cp850(byte[] sTextAsBytea)
+ {
+ string sReturn;
+ byte[] bSource = sTextAsBytea;
+ byte[] bTarget;
+ bTarget = Encoding.Convert(_eCp850, _eUnicode, bSource);
+ sReturn = _eUnicode.GetString(bTarget);
+ return sReturn;
+ }
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ NpgsqlConnection conn;
+ NpgsqlTransaction tran;
+ NpgsqlCommand command;
+ String sIn;
+ conn = new NpgsqlConnection("Server=localhost;Port=5432;User Id=myuser;Password=mypassword;Database=mydatabase;Timeout=600;Pooling=false;ApplicationName=enctest");
+ conn.Open();
+ tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
+ /////// Writing cp850
+ NpgsqlParameter add1 = new NpgsqlParameter("add1", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text);
+ command = new NpgsqlCommand("INSERT INTO myfile (add1) VALUES (:add1);", conn, tran);
+ add1.Value = encode_cp850("Schwanthaler Straße 75a");
+ command.Parameters.Add(add1);
+ command.ExecuteNonQuery();
+ /////// Reading cp850
+ //Read the data as bytea so as not to automatically convert into UTF-16
+ command = new NpgsqlCommand("select add1::bytea from myfile order by id desc limit 2;", conn, tran);
+ NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();
+ while (dr.Read())
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++)
+ {
+ // We now have bytea rather than string, but we can decode it easily enough
+ byte[] bSource = (byte[])dr[i];
+ String reEncodedString = decode_cp850(bSource);
+ Console.Write("Value: {0} \n", reEncodedString);
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ }
+ tran.Commit();
+ conn.Close();
+ conn.Open();
+ String keypress = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+-- Glyn Astill 09/02/2014
+-- Plperl untrusted functions to do conversion from DOS cp850 native through Latin1 to UTF8 and vice versa
+-- The following functions require the user to know what their client_encoiding is and call the appropriate function
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cp850_to_latin1(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cp850_to_latin1(text)
+ use Encode;
+ return encode( 'utf8', decode('cp850', $_[0] ));
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.cp850_to_latin1(text) IS 'Converts text from cp850 to current latin1';
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cp850_to_utf8(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cp850_to_utf8(text)
+ use Encode;
+ return encode( 'iso-8859-1', decode('cp850', $_[0] ));
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.cp850_to_utf8(text) IS 'Converts text from cp850 to current utf8';
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS latin1_to_cp850(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION latin1_to_cp850(text)
+ use Encode;
+ return encode( 'cp850', decode('utf8', $_[0] ));
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.latin1_to_cp850(text) IS 'Converts text from current latin1 to cp850';
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS utf8_to_cp850(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION utf8_to_cp850(text)
+ use Encode;
+ return encode( 'cp850', decode('iso-8859-1', $_[0] ));
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.utf8_to_cp850(text) IS 'Converts text from current utf8 to cp850';
+-- The following functions do not require the user to know what their client_encoiding is
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.to_cp850(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.to_cp850(text)
+ use Encode;
+ my $string;
+ my $rv = spi_exec_query('SELECT pg_client_encoding();', 1);
+ my $encoding = $rv->{rows}[0]->{pg_client_encoding};
+ eval {
+ if ($encoding eq 'UTF8') {
+ $string = encode( 'cp850', decode('iso-8859-1', $_[0] ));
+ }
+ elsif (($encoding eq 'LATIN1') || ($encoding eq 'SQL_ASCII')){
+ $string = encode( 'cp850', decode('utf8', $_[0] ));
+ }
+ else {
+ elog(ERROR, "to_cp850 currently does not support client_encoding $encoding");
+ }
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ elog(WARNING, "Re-encoding failed, stripping non alphanumerics: $@");
+ $string = $_[0] =~ s/[\x01-\x7f]/?/g;
+ }
+ return $string;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.to_cp850(text) IS 'Converts text from current client_encoding to cp850';
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.from_cp850(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.from_cp850(text)
+ use Encode;
+ my $string;
+ my $rv = spi_exec_query('SELECT pg_client_encoding();', 1);
+ my $encoding = $rv->{rows}[0]->{pg_client_encoding};
+ eval {
+ if ($encoding eq 'UTF8') {
+ $string = encode( 'iso-8859-1', decode('cp850', $_[0] ));
+ }
+ elsif (($encoding eq 'LATIN1') || ($encoding eq 'SQL_ASCII')){
+ $string = encode( 'utf8', decode('cp850', $_[0] ));
+ }
+ else {
+ elog(ERROR, "from_cp850 currently does not support client_encoding $encoding");
+ }
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ elog(WARNING, "Re-encoding failed: $@");
+ $string = $_[0];
+ }
+ return $string;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.from_cp850(text) IS 'Converts text from cp850 to current client_encoding';
--- /dev/null
+-- Glyn Astill 09/02/2014
+-- Plpython untrusted functions to do conversion from DOS cp850 native through Latin1 to UTF8 and vice versa
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cp850_to_utf8(in_text text) RETURNS text AS
+ rv = plpy.execute("SHOW client_encoding", 1)
+ v_encoding = rv[0]["client_encoding"]
+ if v_encoding.upper() != 'UTF8':
+ raise plpy.Error('Sorry client_encoding should be UTF8')
+ else:
+ return unicode(in_text, 'cp850').encode('iso8859_1')
+LANGUAGE plpythonu;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION utf8_to_cp850(in_text text) RETURNS text AS
+ rv = plpy.execute("SHOW client_encoding", 1)
+ v_encoding = rv[0]["client_encoding"]
+ if v_encoding.upper() != 'UTF8':
+ raise plpy.Error('Sorry client_encoding should be UTF8')
+ else:
+ return unicode(in_text, 'iso8859_1').encode('cp850')
+LANGUAGE plpythonu;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cp850_to_latin1(in_text text) RETURNS text AS
+ rv = plpy.execute("SHOW client_encoding", 1)
+ v_encoding = rv[0]["client_encoding"]
+ if v_encoding.upper() != 'LATIN1':
+ raise plpy.Error('Sorry client_encoding should be LATIN1')
+ else:
+ return unicode(in_text, 'cp850').encode('utf-8')
+LANGUAGE plpythonu;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION latin1_to_cp850(in_text text) RETURNS text AS
+ rv = plpy.execute("SHOW client_encoding", 1)
+ v_encoding = rv[0]["client_encoding"]
+ if v_encoding.upper() != 'LATIN1':
+ raise plpy.Error('Sorry client_encoding should be LATIN1')
+ else:
+ return unicode(in_text, 'utf-8').encode('cp850')
+LANGUAGE plpythonu;