--- /dev/null
+# Slony cluster information
+slony_user=slony # Username to use when connecting to PostgreSQL server to
+ # retrieve slony cluster configuration
+slony_pass= # Password for above, leave blank to use .pgpass
+slony_cluster_name=test_replication # Slony-I replication cluster name
+server_conninfo=dbname=TEST host=localhost port=5432 # Conninfo of server to to retrieve slony cluster configuration
+server_conninfo=dbname=TEST host=localhost port=5433 # from, accepts multiple servers and will try in order given.
+server_conninfo=dbname=TEST host=localhost port=5434
+server_conninfo=dbname=TEST host=localhost port=5435
+# PgBouncer follower information
+debug = false
+follower_poll_interval=5000 # Cluster state poll interval (milliseconds)
+slony_sets_to_follow=all # Comma separated list of set id's to follow E.g. "1,2,3,4" or "all"
+only_follow_origins=false # If true pgbouncer will only be reconfigured and reloaded
+ # when the origin of a set moves. If false any changes to origins,
+ # providers or subscribers will initiate a reconfigure and reload.
+pool_mode=ro # Values are rw/ro. "rw" follows the origin node
+ # whereas "ro" will follow a subscriber of the sets
+ # specified in slony_sets_to_follow
+pool_all_databases=false # If true uses a wildcard in the conninfo for the pooler
+ # thus hosting all databases on the node. If false
+ # only the replicated database is hosted.
+status_file=/var/slony/pgbouncer_follower/pgbouncer_follower_%mode.status # File used to store tate of the cluster
+log_file=/var/slony/pgbouncer_follower/pgbouncer_follower_%mode.log # Log for pool_follower script
+pid_file=/var/run/pgbouncer_follower_%mode.pid # Pidfile for poll mode
+pool_conf_template=/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer_%mode.template # Template configuration file
+pool_conf_target=/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer_%mode.ini # Target configuration file to be modified
+pool_reload_command=/etc/init.d/pgbouncer_%mode reload # Command used to action configuration changes
+ # Sepcial values for status_file, log_file, pool_conf_template
+ # pool_conf_target and pool_reload_command parameters:
+ # %mode - Pool Mode
+ # %clname - Slony cluster name