]> git.8kb.co.uk Git - slony-i/pgbouncer_follower/summary
descriptionPerl script to automatically repoint pgBouncer connection pools when Slony-I sets are moved between nodes / or WAL primary changes in PostgreSQL.
last changeThu, 28 Apr 2016 09:39:45 +0000 (10:39 +0100)
2016-04-28 glynWrite correct boolean value for exceede lag, rather... basic_wal_support master
2016-04-27 glynFix scenario where xlog locations differ but apply_lag...
2016-04-27 glynAdd some basic support for binary/WAL replicas.
2015-10-13 glynAdd support for auth_user and ensure nodes currently...
2015-08-06 glynMark experimental smartmach feature as enabled to suppr...
2015-01-13 glynAdd an initial state to cluster hash, this way we can...
2015-01-12 glynWhen we repoint an rw server it is perhaps better to...
2014-12-01 glynChanges:
2014-10-24 glynAdd in an example template file for a read only slave...
2014-10-24 glynMinor changes:
2014-10-22 glynFix regression of commit d6f52cf8280c4f740170bf1f93d31d...
2014-10-22 glynA couple of minor changes:
2014-06-05 glynDon't attempt to fix undefined status file
2014-06-05 glynFormat README.md
2014-06-05 glynInitial commit
8 years ago master
8 years ago basic_wal_support