]> git.8kb.co.uk Git - postgresql/geographic_data/commitdiff
Initial commit
authorglyn <glyn@8kb.co.uk>
Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:21:21 +0000 (15:21 +0000)
committerglyn <glyn@8kb.co.uk>
Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:21:21 +0000 (15:21 +0000)
.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
os_convert.pl [new file with mode: 0644]
os_extract_areas.sh [new file with mode: 0644]
os_postgresql_import.plpgsql [new file with mode: 0644]
paf_convert.pl [new file with mode: 0644]
paf_postgresql_import.plpgsql [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ff37810
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/os_convert.pl b/os_convert.pl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6dc0417
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Glyn Astill - 11/10/2012
+# Script to automate cs2cs transform from esatings/northings to latitudes/longitudes
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Text::CSV;
+use Geo::Proj4;
+use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptions/;
+use constant false => 0;
+use constant true  => 1;
+my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
+my $error;
+my $usage = '-i <codepoint csv file input> -o <latlong csv file output>';
+my $infile;
+my $outfile;
+my @latlong;
+my @eastnorth;
+my $linecount;
+my @infiles;
+my $start_run = time();
+my $end_run;
+my $run_time;
+my $pipe_cs2cs = true;
+my $proj_ng;
+if (!$pipe_cs2cs) {
+       # I'm not positive that the below is setting a the Bursa Wolf or another parameter correctly, hence loss in accuracy.
+       # it's possible to set the parameters individually i.e. "Geo::Proj4->new(proj => "tmerc", ellps => "airy", lat_0 => -49)" which may solve
+       $proj_ng = Geo::Proj4->new("-f '%.7f' +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894 +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +nodefs")
+# Handle command line options
+use vars qw{%opt};
+die $usage unless GetOptions(\%opt, 'infile|i=s', 'outfile|o=s', ) and keys %opt and ! @ARGV;
+if (!defined($opt{infile})) {
+       print("Please specify an input file.\n");
+       die $usage;
+else {
+       $infile = $opt{infile};
+if (!defined($opt{outfile})) {
+       print("Please specify an output file.\n");
+       die $usage;
+else {
+       $outfile = $opt{outfile};
+# Read the codepoint file with eastings and northings, convert and output to outfile
+# Open our output file which will contain the eastings/northings and longitudes/latitudes and write a headder
+if (open(OUTCSV, ">", $outfile)) {
+       print OUTCSV ("postcode,easting,northing,latitude,longitude,country_code,admin_county_code,admin_district_code,admin_ward_code\n");     
+       # get a list of our files 
+       @infiles = glob($infile);
+       foreach my $currfile (@infiles) {
+               # read in the file
+               $linecount = 0; 
+               print ("Processing $currfile ..");
+               unless (open(INCSV, "<", $currfile)) {
+                       print("ERROR: Could not open file:" . $! . ".\n");
+               }
+               while (<INCSV>) {
+                       if ($csv->parse($_)) {
+                               @eastnorth=$csv->fields();
+                               eval {
+                                       if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+                                               open(CS2CS,"echo $eastnorth[2] $eastnorth[3] | cs2cs -f '%.7f' +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894 +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +nodefs |");
+                                       }
+                                       else {
+                                               @latlong = $proj_ng->inverse($eastnorth[2], $eastnorth[3]);
+                                       }
+                                       if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+                                               @latlong =  split(' ', <CS2CS>);
+                                               close CS2CS;
+                                               print OUTCSV ("$eastnorth[0],$eastnorth[2],$eastnorth[3],$latlong[1],$latlong[0],$eastnorth[4],$eastnorth[7],$eastnorth[8],$eastnorth[9]\n");
+                                       }
+                                       else {                                  
+                                               print OUTCSV ("$eastnorth[0],$eastnorth[2],$eastnorth[3],$latlong[0],$latlong[1],$eastnorth[4],$eastnorth[7],$eastnorth[8],$eastnorth[9]\n");
+                                       }
+                               };
+                               if ($@) {
+                                       print("ERROR: Could not run command:" . $! . " Line = " . $_ . "\n");
+                                       print("$eastnorth[2] $eastnorth[3]");
+                               }
+                               $linecount++;
+                               if (($linecount%1000) == 0) {
+                                       print ("..$linecount");
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else {
+                               $error = $csv->error_input;
+                               print("\tFailed to parse line: $error\n");      
+                       }       
+               }
+               close (INCSV);
+               print ("..OK\n");
+       }
+       close (OUTCSV);
+else {
+       print("ERROR: Could not open file:" . $! . ".\n");
+$end_run = time();
+$run_time = (($end_run-$start_run)/60);
+print "Conversion took $run_time minutes\n";
+if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+       print "To run quicker use Geo:proj4 (appears to be less accurate - a bug in my usage?) or stream the data directly to cs2cs in one go rather than constantly calling and opening the commands output\n";
diff --git a/os_extract_areas.sh b/os_extract_areas.sh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..589809f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ssconvert -S $1/Doc/Codelist.xls $1/Doc/Codelist_%s.csv > /dev/null 2>&1 
+sed -e 's/$/,CTY/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_CTY.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,DIS/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_DIS.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,DIW/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_DIW.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,LBO/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_LBO.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,LBW/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_LBW.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,MTD/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_MTD.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,MTW/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_MTW.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,UTA/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_UTA.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,UTE/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_UTE.csv
+sed -e 's/$/,UTW/; s/|/,/g; /\(DET\)/d' -i $1/Doc/Codelist_UTW.csv
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/os_postgresql_import.plpgsql b/os_postgresql_import.plpgsql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8b7dd19
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.import_pc_opendata(varchar);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.import_pc_opendata(in_data varchar)
+RETURNS boolean AS
+       v_data_root varchar;
+       v_data_main varchar;
+       v_data_areas varchar;
+       v_main_table_created boolean;
+       v_sql text;
+       v_data_root := in_data || '/';
+       v_data_main := v_data_root || 'Data/';
+       v_data_areas := v_data_root || 'Doc/';
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Import starting with data root %', clock_timestamp(), v_data_root;
+       -- Create our tables if required
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_opendata_types') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_opendata_types" already exists';
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_opendata_types"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_opendata_types
+               (
+                 id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+                 type character varying(3) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+                 description text NOT NULL
+               );
+       END IF;
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_opendata_areas') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_opendata_areas" already exists';
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_opendata_areas"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_opendata_areas
+               (
+                 id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+                 code character varying(9) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+                 type character varying(3) NOT NULL REFERENCES public.pc_opendata_types (type),
+                 description text NOT NULL
+               );
+       END IF;
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_opendata') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_opendata" already exists';
+               v_main_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_opendata"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_opendata
+               (
+                 id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+                 postcode character varying(7) NOT NULL,
+                 easting integer NOT NULL,
+                 northing integer NOT NULL,
+                 latitude double precision NOT NULL,
+                 longitude double precision NOT NULL,
+                 country_code character varying(9) REFERENCES public.pc_opendata_areas (code),
+                 admin_county_code character varying(9) REFERENCES public.pc_opendata_areas (code),
+                 admin_district_code character varying(9) REFERENCES public.pc_opendata_areas (code),
+                 admin_ward_code character varying(9) REFERENCES public.pc_opendata_areas (code)
+               );
+               v_main_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       -- Import data
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Importing "public"."pc_opendata_types"', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_types (type, description) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_AREA_CODES.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       -- Insert missing Country record
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_types (type, description)  VALUES ('CNY', 'Country');
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Importing "public"."pc_opendata_areas"', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_CTY.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_DIS.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_DIW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_LBO.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_LBW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_MTD.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_MTW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_UTA.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_UTE.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_UTW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       -- Insert missing Counties/Countries and missing Scilly Isles
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('W92000004', 'CNY', 'Wales');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E92000001', 'CNY', 'England');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('S92000003', 'CNY', 'Scotland');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008322', 'DIW', 'Bryher Ward');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008323', 'DIW', 'St. Agnes Ward');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008324', 'DIW', 'St. Martin\'s Ward');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008325', 'DIW', 'St. Mary\'s Ward');
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008326', 'DIW', 'Tresco Ward');
+       -- Finally our postcode data
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Importing "public"."pc_opendata"', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY public.pc_opendata (postcode,easting,northing,latitude,longitude,country_code,admin_county_code,admin_district_code,admin_ward_code) FROM '
+       || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'all_areas_20140324.csv') || ' CSV HEADER';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       if (v_main_table_created) THEN
+               CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pc_opendata_postcode ON public.pc_opendata USING btree (postcode);
+               CREATE INDEX pc_opendata_latitude ON public.pc_opendata USING btree (latitude);
+               CREATE INDEX pc_opendata_longitude ON public.pc_opendata USING btree (longitude);
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Completed', clock_timestamp();
+       RETURN true;    
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.update_pc_opendata(varchar);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_pc_opendata(in_data varchar)
+RETURNS boolean AS
+       v_data_root varchar;
+       v_data_main varchar;
+       v_data_areas varchar;
+       v_sql text;
+       v_data_root := in_data || '/';
+       v_data_main := v_data_root || 'Data/';
+       v_data_areas := v_data_root || 'Doc/';
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Import starting with data root %', clock_timestamp(), v_data_root;
+       RAISE NOTICE 'Creating temp table "tmp_pc_opendata_types"';
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_pc_opendata_types
+       (
+         id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+         type character varying(3) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+         description text NOT NULL
+       );
+       RAISE NOTICE 'Creating temp table "tmp_pc_opendata_areas"';
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_pc_opendata_areas
+       (
+         id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+         code character varying(9) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+         type character varying(3) NOT NULL REFERENCES tmp_pc_opendata_types (type),
+         description text NOT NULL
+       );
+       RAISE NOTICE 'Creating temp table "tmp_pc_opendata"';
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_pc_opendata
+       (
+         id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+         postcode character varying(7) NOT NULL,
+         easting integer NOT NULL,
+         northing integer NOT NULL,
+         latitude double precision NOT NULL,
+         longitude double precision NOT NULL,
+         country_code character varying(9) REFERENCES tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code),
+         admin_county_code character varying(9) REFERENCES tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code),
+         admin_district_code character varying(9) REFERENCES tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code),
+         admin_ward_code character varying(9) REFERENCES tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code)
+       );
+       -- Import data
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Importing "tmp_pc_opendata_types"', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_types (type, description) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_AREA_CODES.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       -- Insert missing Country record
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_types (type, description)  VALUES ('CNY', 'Country');
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Importing "tmp_pc_opendata_areas"', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_CTY.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_DIS.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_DIW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_LBO.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_LBW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_MTD.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_MTW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_UTA.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_UTE.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata_areas (description, code, type) FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_areas || 'Codelist_UTW.csv') || ' CSV';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       -- Insert missing Counties/Countries and missing Scilly Isles
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('W92000004', 'CNY', 'Wales');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E92000001', 'CNY', 'England');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('S92000003', 'CNY', 'Scotland');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008322', 'DIW', 'Bryher Ward');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008323', 'DIW', 'St. Agnes Ward');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008324', 'DIW', 'St. Martin\'s Ward');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008325', 'DIW', 'St. Mary\'s Ward');
+       INSERT INTO tmp_pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description) VALUES ('E05008326', 'DIW', 'Tresco Ward');
+       -- Finally our postcode data
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Importing "tmp_pc_opendata"', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY tmp_pc_opendata (postcode,easting,northing,latitude,longitude,country_code,admin_county_code,admin_district_code,admin_ward_code) FROM '
+       || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'all_areas_20140324.csv') || ' CSV HEADER';
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       -- Now do the upgrade with a truncate (if the locking is an issue then it's better to diff and update/delete/insert)
+       RAISE NOTICE '% : Switching the data via truncate & reload', clock_timestamp();
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_opendata RESTART IDENTITY;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_opendata_areas RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_opendata_types RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_types (type, description)
+       SELECT type, description FROM tmp_pc_opendata_areas;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata_areas (code, type, description)
+       SELECT code, type, description FROM tmp_pc_opendata_areas;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_opendata (postcode,easting,northing,latitude,longitude,country_code,admin_county_code,admin_district_code,admin_ward_code)
+       SELECT postcode,easting,northing,latitude,longitude,country_code,admin_county_code,admin_district_code,admin_ward_code
+       FROM tmp_pc_opendata;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Completed', clock_timestamp();
+       RETURN true;    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/paf_convert.pl b/paf_convert.pl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eb4a6ee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Glyn Astill - 02/03/2014
+# Script to automate cs2cs transform from esatings/northings to latitudes/longitudes
+# for PAF files from Royal Mail
+#use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptions/;
+use Geo::Proj4;
+use constant false => 0;
+use constant true  => 1;
+my $error;
+my $usage = '-i <codepoint csv file input> -o <latlong csv file output>';
+my $infile;
+my $outfile;
+my @latlong;
+my $linecount;
+my @infiles;
+my @fields_fixed;
+my $start_run = time();
+my $end_run;
+my $run_time;
+my $pipe_cs2cs = true;
+my $proj_ng;
+my $proj_ig;
+# Handle command line options
+use vars qw{%opt};
+die $usage unless GetOptions(\%opt, 'infile|i=s', 'outfile|o=s', ) and keys %opt and ! @ARGV;
+if (!defined($opt{infile})) {
+       print("Please specify an input file.\n");
+       die $usage;
+else {
+       $infile = $opt{infile};
+if (!defined($opt{outfile})) {
+       print("Please specify an output file.\n");
+       die $usage;
+else {
+       $outfile = $opt{outfile};
+if (!$pipe_cs2cs) {
+       # I'm not positive that the below is setting a the Bursa Wolf or another parameter correctly, hence loss in accuracy.
+       # it's possible to set the parameters individually i.e. "Geo::Proj4->new(proj => "tmerc", ellps => "airy", lat_0 => -49)" which may solve
+       $proj_ng = Geo::Proj4->new("-f '%.7f' +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894 +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +nodefs")
+               or die "parameter error: ".Geo::Proj4->error. "\n";
+       $proj_ig = Geo::Proj4->new("-f '%.7f' +proj=tmerc +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +k=1.000035 +x_0=200000 +y_0=250000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=482.530,-130.596,564.557,-1.042,-0.214,-0.631,8.15 +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +nodefs")
+               or die "parameter error: ".Geo::Proj4->error. "\n";
+# Read the codepoint file with eastings and northings, convert and output to outfile
+# Open our output file which will contain the eastings/northings and longitudes/latitudes
+if (open(OUTFILE, ">", $outfile)) {
+       # get a list of our files 
+       $infile =~ s/ /\\ /g;
+       @infiles = glob("$infile");
+       foreach my $currfile (@infiles) {
+               # read in the file
+               $linecount = 0; 
+               print ("Processing $currfile ..");
+               unless (open(INFILE, "<", $currfile)) {
+                       print("ERROR: Could not open file:" . $! . ".\n");
+               }
+               while (<INFILE>) {
+                       @fields_fixed = unpack('a4 a3 a6 a5 a5 a9 a9 a9 a9 a9 a9 a1 a1', $_);
+                       eval {
+                               # Deal with 6 digit northings
+                               for ($fields_fixed[4]) {
+                                       s/[PO]/12/;
+                                       s/[UT]/11/;
+                                       s/[ZY]/10/;
+                               }
+                               if ($fields_fixed[4] =~ m/\s/) {
+                                       $fields_fixed[4] = sprintf("%-6s", $fields_fixed[4]) . " ";
+                                       $fields_fixed[3] .= ' ';
+                               }
+                               else {
+                                       $fields_fixed[4] = sprintf("%06d", $fields_fixed[4]) . "0";
+                                       $fields_fixed[3] .= '0';
+                               }
+                               for (my $field = 0; $field <= 12; $field++) {
+                                       print OUTFILE ($fields_fixed[$field]);
+                               }
+                               if ($fields_fixed[4] !~ m/\s/) {
+                                       # Irish Grid
+                                       if ($fields_fixed[0] =~ m/^BT/i) {
+                                               if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+                                                       open(CS2CS,"echo $fields_fixed[3] $fields_fixed[4] | cs2cs -f '%.7f' +proj=tmerc +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +k=1.000035 +x_0=200000 +y_0=250000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=482.530,-130.596,564.557,-1.042,-0.214,-0.631,8.15 +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +nodefs |");
+                                               }
+                                               else {
+                                                       @latlong = $proj_ig->inverse($fields_fixed[3], $fields_fixed[4]);
+                                               }                                               
+                                       }
+                                       # National Grid
+                                       else {
+                                               if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+                                                       open(CS2CS,"echo $fields_fixed[3] $fields_fixed[4] | cs2cs -f '%.7f' +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894 +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +nodefs |");
+                                               }
+                                               else {
+                                                       @latlong = $proj_ng->inverse($fields_fixed[3], $fields_fixed[4]);
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+                                               @latlong =  split(' ', <CS2CS>);
+                                               close CS2CS;
+                                               print OUTFILE (sprintf("%010f", $latlong[1]) . sprintf("%010f", $latlong[0]));
+                                       }
+                                       else {                                  
+                                               print OUTFILE (sprintf("%010f", $latlong[0]) . sprintf("%010f", $latlong[1]));
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               else {
+                                       print OUTFILE "                    ";
+                               }
+                               print OUTFILE ("\n");
+                               $linecount++;
+                               if (($linecount%10000) == 0) {
+                                       print ("..$linecount");
+                               }
+                       };
+                       if ($@) {
+                               print("ERROR: Could not run command:" . $! . " Line = " . $_ . "\n");
+                               print("$fields_fixed[3] $fields_fixed[4]");
+                       }
+               }
+               close (INFILE);
+               print ("..OK\n");
+       }
+       close (OUTFILE);
+else {
+       print("ERROR: Could not open file:" . $! . ".\n");
+$end_run = time();
+$run_time = (($end_run-$start_run)/60);
+print "Conversion took $run_time minutes\n";
+if ($pipe_cs2cs) {
+       print "To run quicker use Geo:proj4 (appears to be less accurate - a bug in my usage?) or stream the data directly to cs2cs in one go rather than constantly calling and opening the commands output\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/paf_postgresql_import.plpgsql b/paf_postgresql_import.plpgsql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..996ffa0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1136 @@
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.import_pc_paf(varchar, varchar);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.import_pc_paf(in_edition varchar, in_data varchar)
+RETURNS boolean AS
+       v_data_root varchar;
+       v_data_main varchar;
+       v_data_postzon varchar;
+       v_data_alias varchar;
+       v_processed integer;
+       v_main_footer varchar;
+       v_std_footer varchar;
+       v_sql varchar;
+       v_table_created boolean;
+       v_data_root := in_data || '/' || in_edition || '/';
+       v_data_main := v_data_root || 'PAF MAIN FILE/';
+       v_data_postzon := v_data_root || 'POSTZON 100M/';
+       v_data_alias := v_data_root || 'ALIAS/';
+       v_main_footer = '       %';
+       v_std_footer = '99999999%';
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Import starting for edition % with data root %', clock_timestamp(), in_edition, v_data_root;
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE data_stage (data text) ON COMMIT DROP;
+       -- 1) Localaties
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging localaties', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'local.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%LOCALITY'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging localaties, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_localities') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_localities" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_localities"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_localities (
+                       locality_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       post_town varchar(30),
+                       dependent_locality varchar(35),
+                       double_dependent_locality  varchar(35)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_localities;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_localities
+       SELECT substring(data,1,6)::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,52,30)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,82,35)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,117,35)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_localities ADD PRIMARY KEY (locality_key);
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing localities (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- 2) Thoroughfares
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging thoroughfares', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'thfare.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%THOROUGH'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer;                          
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging thoroughfares, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_thoroughfares') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_thoroughfares" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_thoroughfares"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_thoroughfares (
+                       thoroughfare_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       thoroughfare_name varchar(60)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public. pc_paf_thoroughfares;
+       INSERT INTO public. pc_paf_thoroughfares
+       SELECT substring(data,1,8)::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,9,60)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_thoroughfares ADD PRIMARY KEY (thoroughfare_key);
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing thoroughfares (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- 3) Thoroughfares Descriptor
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging thoroughfares descriptor', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'thdesc.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%THDESCRI'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer; 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging thoroughfares descriptor, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor (
+                       thoroughfare_descriptor_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       thoroughfare_descriptor varchar(20),
+                       approved_abbreviation varchar(6)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       end if;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor
+       SELECT substring(data,1,4)::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,5,20)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,25,6)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor ADD PRIMARY KEY (thoroughfare_descriptor_key);
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing thoroughfares descriptor (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed; 
+       -- 4) Building Names
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging building names', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'bname.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%BUILDING'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer; 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging building names, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_building_names') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_building_names" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_building_names"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_building_names (
+                       building_name_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       building_name varchar(50)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_building_names;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_building_names
+       SELECT substring(data,1,8)::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,9,50)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_building_names ADD PRIMARY KEY (building_name_key);
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing building names (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;   
+       -- 5) Sub Building Names file (subbname.c01)
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging sub building names', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'subbname.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%SUBBUILD'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer; 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging sub building names, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_sub_building_names') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_sub_building_names" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_sub_building_names"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_sub_building_names (
+                       sub_building_name_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       sub_building_name varchar(50)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_sub_building_names;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_sub_building_names
+       SELECT substring(data,1,8)::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,9,30)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_sub_building_names ADD PRIMARY KEY (sub_building_name_key);
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing sub building names (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;       
+       -- 6) Organisations
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging organisations', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'org.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;          
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%ORGANISA'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer; 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging organisations, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_organisations') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_organisations" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_organisations"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_organisations (
+                       organisation_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       postcode_type varchar(1) NOT NULL,
+                       organisation_name varchar(60),
+                       department_name varchar(60)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_organisations;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_organisations
+       SELECT substring(data,1,8)::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,9,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,10,60)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,70,60)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_organisations ADD PRIMARY KEY (organisation_key, postcode_type);
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_organisations.organisation_key IS 'When postcode type is L organisation_key relates to address_key';
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing organisations (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- 7) Postzon with latlon
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging postzone', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_postzon || 'pzone100.c02');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;  
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%PZONE100' || in_edition || '%' OR data like v_main_footer; 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging postzon, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_postzon_100m') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_postzon_100m" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_postzon_100m"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_postzon_100m (
+                       postzon_100m_key serial NOT NULL,
+                       outward_code varchar(4) NOT NULL,
+                       inward_code varchar(3) NOT NULL,
+                       introduction_date date,
+                       grid_reference_east integer,
+                       grid_reference_north integer,
+                       country_code varchar(9),
+                       area_code_county varchar(9),
+                       area_code_district varchar(9),
+                       ward_code varchar(9),
+                       nhs_region varchar(9),
+                       nhs_code varchar(9),
+                       user_type smallint,
+                       grid_status smallint,
+                       latitude double precision,
+                       longitude double precision
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_postzon_100m;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_postzon_100m(outward_code, inward_code, introduction_date, grid_reference_east, grid_reference_north,
+       country_code, area_code_county, area_code_district, ward_code, nhs_region, nhs_code, user_type, grid_status, latitude, longitude)
+       SELECT nullif(trim(substring(data,1,4)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,5,3)),''),
+               to_date(substring(data,8,6), 'YYYYMM'),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,14,6)),'')::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,20,7)),'')::integer,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,27,9)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,36,9)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,45,9)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,54,9)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,63,9)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,72,9)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,81,1)),'')::smallint,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,82,1)),'')::smallint,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,83,10)),'')::double precision,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,93,10)),'')::double precision
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_postzon_100m ADD PRIMARY KEY (postzon_100m_key),
+               ADD CONSTRAINT pc_paf_postzon_100m_unique UNIQUE (outward_code, inward_code);
+               CREATE INDEX pc_paf_postzon_100m_longitude ON public.pc_paf_postzon_100m (longitude);
+               CREATE INDEX pc_paf_postzon_100m_latitude ON public.pc_paf_postzon_100m (latitude);
+               COMMENT ON TABLE public.pc_paf_postzon_100m IS 'Geographical data from the Royal Mail with accuracy of 100m';
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_postzon_100m.grid_reference_east IS 'BT postcodes reflect the Irish Grid public (different origin and scale); subtract 17000 to approximate onto OS National Grid. For latlong do not approximate but do proper conversion';
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_postzon_100m.grid_reference_north IS 'BT postcodes reflect the Irish Grid public (different origin and scale); add 13000 to approximate onto OS National Grid. For latlong do not approximate but do proper conversion';
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_postzon_100m.user_type IS '0 Small User 1 Large User';
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_postzon_100m.grid_status IS '0  Status not supplied by OS \n
+                       1  Within the building of the matched address closest to the Postcode mean. \n
+                       2  Co-ordinates allocated by GROS during Postcode boundary creation to the building nearest the centre of the populated part of the Postcode (Scotland only) \n
+                       3  Approximate to within 50m of true position \n
+                       4  Postcode unit mean (direct copy from ADDRESS-POINT (GB) and COMPAS (NI) - mean of matched addresses with the same Postcode) \n
+                       5  Postcode imputed by ONS to 1 metre resolution \n
+                       6  Postcode sector mean - mainly PO Boxes \n
+                       9  No co-ordinates available';
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing postzon (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;  
+       -- 8) Mainfile
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging mainfile', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'fpmainfl.c02');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'fpmainfl.c03');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'fpmainfl.c04');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'fpmainfl.c05');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'fpmainfl.c06');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%ADDRESS '  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_main_footer;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging mainfile, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_mainfile') THEN
+          RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_mainfile" already exists';
+          v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_mainfile"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_mainfile (
+                       paf_record_key serial NOT NULL,
+                       outward_code varchar(4) NOT NULL,
+                       inward_code varchar(3) NOT NULL,
+                       address_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       locality_key integer,
+                       thoroughfare_key integer,
+                       thoroughfare_descriptor_key integer,
+                       dependent_thoroughfare_key integer,
+                       dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key integer,
+                       building_number integer,
+                       building_name_key integer,
+                       sub_building_name_key integer,
+                       number_of_households integer,
+                       organisation_key integer,
+                       postcode_type varchar(1),
+                       concatenation_indicator varchar(1),
+                       delivery_point_suffix varchar(2),
+                       small_user_organisation_indicator varchar(1),
+                       po_box_number varchar(6)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_mainfile RESTART IDENTITY;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_mainfile(outward_code,inward_code,address_key,locality_key,thoroughfare_key,
+               thoroughfare_descriptor_key,dependent_thoroughfare_key,dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key,building_number,
+               building_name_key,sub_building_name_key,number_of_households,organisation_key,postcode_type,concatenation_indicator,
+               delivery_point_suffix,small_user_organisation_indicator,po_box_number)
+       SELECT nullif(trim(substring(data,1,4)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,5,3)),''),
+               nullif(substring(data,8,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,16,6)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,22,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,30,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,34,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,42,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,46,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,50,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,58,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,66,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,70,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,78,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,79,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,80,2)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,82,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,83,6)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               CREATE INDEX pc_paf_mainfile_postcode ON public.pc_paf_mainfile USING btree (outward_code, inward_code);
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_mainfile 
+               ADD PRIMARY KEY (paf_record_key),
+               ADD CONSTRAINT pc_paf_mainfile_unique UNIQUE (address_key, organisation_key, postcode_type),
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (locality_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_localities(locality_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (thoroughfare_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_thoroughfares(thoroughfare_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, 
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (thoroughfare_descriptor_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_thoroughfares(thoroughfare_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (building_name_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_building_names(building_name_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (sub_building_name_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_sub_building_names(sub_building_name_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (organisation_key, postcode_type) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_organisations(organisation_key, postcode_type) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (outward_code,inward_code) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_postzon_100m(outward_code,inward_code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_mainfile.organisation_key IS 'When postcode type is L then address_key relates to organisation_key - good work RM!';
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing mainfile (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- 9) Welsh Mainfile
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging welsh alternative mainfile', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_main || 'wfmainfl.c06');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%ADDRESS '  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_main_footer;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging welsh alternative mainfile, importing', clock_timestamp();
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_mainfile_welsh') THEN
+          RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_mainfile_welsh" already exists';
+          v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_mainfile_welsh"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh (
+                       paf_record_key serial NOT NULL,
+                       outward_code varchar(4) NOT NULL,
+                       inward_code varchar(3) NOT NULL,
+                       address_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       locality_key integer,
+                       thoroughfare_key integer,
+                       thoroughfare_descriptor_key integer,
+                       dependent_thoroughfare_key integer,
+                       dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key integer,
+                       building_number integer,
+                       building_name_key integer,
+                       sub_building_name_key integer,
+                       number_of_households integer,
+                       organisation_key integer,
+                       postcode_type varchar(1),
+                       concatenation_indicator varchar(1),
+                       delivery_point_suffix varchar(2),
+                       small_user_organisation_indicator varchar(1),
+                       po_box_number varchar(6)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh RESTART IDENTITY;
+               INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh(outward_code,inward_code,address_key,locality_key,thoroughfare_key,
+                       thoroughfare_descriptor_key,dependent_thoroughfare_key,dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key,building_number,
+                       building_name_key,sub_building_name_key,number_of_households,organisation_key,postcode_type,concatenation_indicator,
+                       delivery_point_suffix,small_user_organisation_indicator,po_box_number)
+               SELECT nullif(trim(substring(data,1,4)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,5,3)),''),
+               nullif(substring(data,8,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,16,6)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,22,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,30,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,34,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,42,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,46,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,50,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,58,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,66,4)::integer,0),
+               nullif(substring(data,70,8)::integer,0),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,78,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,79,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,80,2)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,82,1)),''),
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,83,6)),'')
+       FROM data_stage;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               CREATE INDEX pc_paf_mainfile_welsh_postcode ON public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh USING btree (outward_code, inward_code);
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh 
+               ADD PRIMARY KEY (paf_record_key),
+               ADD CONSTRAINT pc_paf_mainfile_welsh_unique UNIQUE (address_key, organisation_key, postcode_type),
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (locality_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_localities(locality_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (thoroughfare_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_thoroughfares(thoroughfare_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, 
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (thoroughfare_descriptor_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_thoroughfares(thoroughfare_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (building_name_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_building_names(building_name_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (sub_building_name_key) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_sub_building_names(sub_building_name_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (organisation_key, postcode_type) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_organisations(organisation_key, postcode_type) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (outward_code,inward_code) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_postzon_100m(outward_code,inward_code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh.organisation_key IS 'When postcode type is L then address_key relates to organisation_key - good work RM!';
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing welsh alternative mainfile (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;       
+       -- 10) Alias file
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging alias file', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_alias || 'aliasfle.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%ALIASFLEY'  || in_edition ||  '%' OR data like v_std_footer;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging alias file, importing', clock_timestamp();        
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_counties') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_counties" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_counties"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_counties (
+                       county_key integer NOT NULL,
+                       county_name varchar(30),
+                       county_type varchar(1)
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF;
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_counties;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_counties
+       SELECT substring(data,2,4)::integer AS county_key,
+               trim(substring(data,6,30)) AS county_name,
+               trim(substring(data,36,1)) AS county_type
+       FROM data_stage
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 4;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_counties ADD PRIMARY KEY (county_key),
+               ADD CONSTRAINT pc_paf_counties_unique UNIQUE (county_name, county_type);
+               COMMENT ON COLUMN public.pc_paf_counties.county_type IS 'T (Traditional County), P (Former Postal County) or A (Administrative County)';
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing counties (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed; 
+       IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'pc_paf_county_alias') THEN
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Table "public"."pc_paf_county_alias" already exists';
+               v_table_created := false;
+       ELSE
+               RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table "public"."pc_paf_county_alias"';
+               CREATE TABLE public.pc_paf_county_alias (
+                       county_alias_key serial NOT NULL,
+                       postcode varchar(7) NOT NULL,
+                       former_postal_county integer,
+                       traditional_county integer,
+                       administrative_county integer
+               );
+               v_table_created := true;
+       END IF; 
+       TRUNCATE TABLE public.pc_paf_county_alias;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_county_alias (postcode, former_postal_county, traditional_county, administrative_county)
+       SELECT trim(substring(data,2,7)) AS postcode,
+               nullif(substring(data,9,4)::integer,0) AS former_postal_county,
+               nullif(substring(data,13,4)::integer,0) AS traditional_county,
+               nullif(substring(data,17,4)::integer,0) AS administrative_county
+       FROM data_stage
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 5;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       IF (v_table_created) THEN
+               ALTER TABLE public.pc_paf_county_alias ADD PRIMARY KEY (county_alias_key),
+               ADD CONSTRAINT pc_paf_county_alias_unique UNIQUE (postcode),
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (former_postal_county) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_counties(county_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (traditional_county) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_counties(county_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+               ADD FOREIGN KEY (administrative_county) REFERENCES public.pc_paf_counties(county_key) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
+       END IF;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done importing county_alias (imported % records)', clock_timestamp(), v_processed;     
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Completed', clock_timestamp();
+       RETURN true;    
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.update_pc_paf(varchar, varchar);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_pc_paf(in_edition varchar, in_data varchar)
+RETURNS boolean AS
+       v_data_root varchar;
+       v_data_update varchar;
+       v_processed integer;
+       v_main_footer varchar;
+       v_std_footer varchar;
+       v_sql varchar;
+       v_table_created boolean;
+       v_data_root := in_data || '/' || in_edition || '_CHANGES/';
+       v_data_update := v_data_root || 'CONSOLIDATED CHANGES/';
+       v_main_footer = '       %';
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Import starting for edition % with data root %', clock_timestamp(), in_edition, v_data_root;
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE data_stage (data text) ON COMMIT DROP;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging Changes1 file', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_update || 'changes1.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%CHANGES1' || in_edition || '%' OR data like v_main_footer;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging Changes1 file of % records',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       --changes1.c01 - Changes1 (Changes to satelite tables except Organisations)
+       --Record Type 1  - Localities
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update localities', clock_timestamp();
+       SELECT substring(data,2,8)::integer AS locality_key,
+               to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,10,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,70,30)),'') AS post_town,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,100,35)),'') AS dependent_locality,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,135,35)),'') AS double_dependent_locality
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 1 
+       AND nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') IS NOT NULL
+       ORDER BY to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,10,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on localities',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_localities l
+       USING tmp_localities lt WHERE lt.locality_key = l.locality_key
+       AND lt.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B')
+       AND l.* = (lt.locality_key, lt.post_town::character varying(30), lt.dependent_locality::character varying(30), lt.double_dependent_locality::character varying(30));
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from localities',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_localities
+       SELECT lt.locality_key, lt.post_town, lt.dependent_locality, lt.double_dependent_locality
+       FROM tmp_localities lt
+       WHERE lt.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in localities',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       --Record Type 2  - Thoroughfares
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update thoroughfares', clock_timestamp();
+       SELECT substring(data,2,8)::integer AS thoroughfare_key,
+                       to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,10,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,25,60)),'') AS thoroughfare_name
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 2 AND nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') IS NOT NULL;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on thoroughfares',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_thoroughfares t
+       USING tmp_thoroughfares tt WHERE tt.thoroughfare_key = t.thoroughfare_key
+       AND tt.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B')
+       AND t.* = (tt.thoroughfare_key, t.thoroughfare_name::character varying(60));
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from thoroughfares',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_thoroughfares
+       SELECT tt.thoroughfare_key, tt.thoroughfare_name
+       FROM tmp_thoroughfares tt
+       WHERE tt.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in thoroughfares',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       --Record Type 3  - Thoroughfare Descriptors 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update thoroughfare_descriptor', clock_timestamp();
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_thoroughfare_descriptor ON COMMIT DROP AS
+       SELECT substring(data,2,8)::integer AS thoroughfare_descriptor_key ,
+               to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,10,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,25,20)),'') AS thoroughfare_descriptor,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,45,6)),'') AS approved_abbreviation
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 3 AND nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') IS NOT NULL;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on thoroughfare_descriptor',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor td
+       USING tmp_thoroughfare_descriptor tdt WHERE tdt.thoroughfare_descriptor_key  = td.thoroughfare_descriptor_key 
+       AND tdt.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B')
+       AND td.* = (tdt.thoroughfare_descriptor_key , tdt.thoroughfare_descriptor::character varying(20), tdt.approved_abbreviation::character varying(6));
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from thoroughfare_descriptor',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor
+       SELECT tdt.thoroughfare_descriptor_key , tdt.thoroughfare_descriptor, tdt.approved_abbreviation
+       FROM tmp_thoroughfare_descriptor tdt
+       WHERE tdt.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in thoroughfare_descriptor',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       --Record Type 4  - Building Names 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update building_names', clock_timestamp();
+       SELECT substring(data,2,8)::integer AS building_name_key,
+               to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,10,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,25,50)),'') AS building_name
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 4 AND nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') IS NOT NULL;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on building_names',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_building_names bn
+       USING tmp_building_names tbn WHERE bn.building_name_key = tbn.building_name_key
+       AND tbn.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B')
+       AND bn.* = (tbn.building_name_key, tbn.building_name::character varying(50));
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from building_names',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_building_names
+       SELECT tbn.building_name_key, tbn.building_name
+       FROM tmp_building_names tbn
+       WHERE tbn.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in building_names',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       --Record Type 5  - Sub Building Names 
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update sub_building_names', clock_timestamp();
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_sub_building_names ON COMMIT DROP AS
+       SELECT substring(data,2,8)::integer AS sub_building_name_key,
+               to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,10,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,25,30)),'') AS sub_building_name
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE substring(data,1,1)::integer = 5 AND nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') IS NOT NULL;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on sub_building_names',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_sub_building_names sbn
+       USING tmp_sub_building_names tsbn WHERE sbn.sub_building_name_key = tsbn.sub_building_name_key
+       AND tsbn.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B')
+       AND sbn.* = (tsbn.sub_building_name_key, tsbn.sub_building_name::character varying(50));
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from sub_building_names',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_sub_building_names
+       SELECT tsbn.sub_building_name_key, tsbn.sub_building_name
+       FROM tmp_sub_building_names tsbn
+       WHERE tsbn.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in sub_building_names',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- fpchngs2.c01  - Changes2 (Changes to Mainfile and Organisations)
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging Changes2 file', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_update || 'fpchngs2.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%CHANGES2' || in_edition || '%' OR data like v_main_footer;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging Changes2 file of % records',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- Mainfile
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update mainfile', clock_timestamp();
+       SELECT to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,1,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,15,4)),'') AS outward_code,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,19,3)),'') AS inward_code,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,22,2)),'') AS delivery_point_suffix,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS postcode_type,
+               nullif(substring(data,25,8)::integer,0) AS address_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,33,8)::integer,0) AS organisation_key,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,41,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+               nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) AS record_type,
+               nullif(substring(data,43,8)::integer,0) AS locality_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,51,8)::integer,0) AS thoroughfare_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,59,8)::integer,0) AS thoroughfare_descriptor_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,67,8)::integer,0) AS dependent_thoroughfare_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,75,8)::integer,0) AS dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,83,4)::integer,0) AS building_number,
+               nullif(substring(data,87,8)::integer,0) AS building_name_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,95,8)::integer,0) AS sub_building_name_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,103,4)::integer,0) AS number_of_households,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,107,1)),'') AS concatenation_indicator,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,108,6)),'') AS po_box_number,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,114,1)),'') AS small_user_organisation_indicator,
+               CASE nullif(substring(data,115,2)::integer,0) 
+                       WHEN 1 THEN 'New' 
+                       WHEN 2 THEN 'Correction'
+                       WHEN 3 THEN '' 
+                       WHEN 4 THEN 'Coding Revision'
+                       WHEN 5 THEN 'Organisation Change'
+                       WHEN 6 THEN 'Status Change'
+                       WHEN 7 THEN 'Large User Deleted'
+                       WHEN 8 THEN 'Building/Sub Building Change'
+                       WHEN 9 THEN 'Large User Change'
+               END AS reason_for_amendment,            
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,117,4)),'') AS new_outward_code,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,121,3)),'') AS new_inward_code
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) = 1;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on mainfile',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_mainfile m
+       USING tmp_mainfile tm WHERE tm.address_key = m.address_key AND tm.organisation_key = m.organisation_key AND tm.postcode_type = m.postcode_type
+       AND tm.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from mainfile',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_mainfile (outward_code, inward_code, address_key, locality_key, thoroughfare_key, 
+               thoroughfare_descriptor_key, dependent_thoroughfare_key, dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key, 
+               building_number, building_name_key, sub_building_name_key, number_of_households, 
+               organisation_key, postcode_type, concatenation_indicator, delivery_point_suffix, 
+               small_user_organisation_indicator, po_box_number)
+       SELECT tm.outward_code, tm.inward_code, tm.address_key, tm.locality_key, tm.thoroughfare_key, 
+               tm.thoroughfare_descriptor_key, tm.dependent_thoroughfare_key, tm.dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key, 
+               tm.building_number, tm.building_name_key, tm.sub_building_name_key, tm.number_of_households, 
+               tm.organisation_key, tm.postcode_type, tm.concatenation_indicator, tm.delivery_point_suffix, 
+               tm.small_user_organisation_indicator, tm.po_box_number
+       FROM (
+               SELECT cume_dist() OVER w, *
+               FROM tmp_mainfile
+               WHERE amendment_type IN ('I', 'C')
+               WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY address_key, organisation_key, postcode_type ORDER BY timestamp)
+       ) tm WHERE tm.cume_dist = 1 ;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in mainfile',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- Organisations
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update organisations', clock_timestamp();
+       SELECT to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,1,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,15,4)),'') AS outward_code,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,19,3)),'') AS inward_code,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,22,2)),'') AS delivery_point_suffix,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS postcode_type,
+                       nullif(substring(data,25,8)::integer,0) AS address_key,
+                       nullif(substring(data,33,8)::integer,0) AS organisation_key,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,41,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+                       nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) AS record_type,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,43,60)),'') AS organisation_name,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,103,60)),'') AS department_name,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,163,6)),'') AS po_box_number
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) IN (2,3); 
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on organisations',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_organisations o
+       USING tmp_organisations tx WHERE COALESCE(tx.organisation_key, tx.address_key) = o.organisation_key AND tx.postcode_type = o.postcode_type
+       AND tx.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from organisations',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_organisations
+       SELECT COALESCE(tx.organisation_key, tx.address_key), tx.postcode_type, tx.organisation_name, tx.department_name
+       FROM (
+               SELECT cume_dist() OVER w, *
+               FROM tmp_organisations
+               WHERE amendment_type IN ('I', 'C')
+               WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY COALESCE(organisation_key, address_key), postcode_type ORDER BY timestamp)
+       ) tx WHERE tx.cume_dist = 1 ;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in organisations',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- wchanges.c01  -- Welsh changes
+       TRUNCATE TABLE data_stage;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Begin staging WChanges2 file', clock_timestamp();
+       v_sql := 'COPY data_stage FROM ' || quote_literal(v_data_update || 'wchanges.c01');
+       EXECUTE v_sql;
+       DELETE FROM data_stage WHERE data like '%WCHANGES' || in_edition || '%' OR data like v_main_footer;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Done staging WChanges2 file of % records',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update welsh mainfile', clock_timestamp();
+       SELECT to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,1,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,15,4)),'') AS outward_code,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,19,3)),'') AS inward_code,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,22,2)),'') AS delivery_point_suffix,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS postcode_type,
+               nullif(substring(data,25,8)::integer,0) AS address_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,33,8)::integer,0) AS organisation_key,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,41,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+               nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) AS record_type,
+               nullif(substring(data,43,8)::integer,0) AS locality_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,51,8)::integer,0) AS thoroughfare_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,59,8)::integer,0) AS thoroughfare_descriptor_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,67,8)::integer,0) AS dependent_thoroughfare_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,75,8)::integer,0) AS dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,83,4)::integer,0) AS building_number,
+               nullif(substring(data,87,8)::integer,0) AS building_name_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,95,8)::integer,0) AS sub_building_name_key,
+               nullif(substring(data,103,4)::integer,0) AS number_of_households,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,107,1)),'') AS concatenation_indicator,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,108,6)),'') AS po_box_number,
+               nullif(trim(substring(data,114,1)),'') AS small_user_organisation_indicator
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) = 1;
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on welsh mainfile',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh mw
+       USING tmp_mainfile_welsh twm WHERE twm.address_key = mw.address_key AND twm.organisation_key = mw.organisation_key AND twm.postcode_type = mw.postcode_type
+       AND twm.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from welsh mainfile',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh (outward_code, inward_code, address_key, locality_key, thoroughfare_key, 
+               thoroughfare_descriptor_key, dependent_thoroughfare_key, dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key, 
+               building_number, building_name_key, sub_building_name_key, number_of_households, 
+               organisation_key, postcode_type, concatenation_indicator, delivery_point_suffix, 
+               small_user_organisation_indicator, po_box_number)
+       SELECT twm.outward_code, twm.inward_code, twm.address_key, twm.locality_key, twm.thoroughfare_key, 
+               twm.thoroughfare_descriptor_key, twm.dependent_thoroughfare_key, twm.dependent_thoroughfare_descriptor_key, 
+               twm.building_number, twm.building_name_key, twm.sub_building_name_key, twm.number_of_households, 
+               twm.organisation_key, twm.postcode_type, twm.concatenation_indicator, twm.delivery_point_suffix, 
+               twm.small_user_organisation_indicator, twm.po_box_number
+       FROM tmp_mainfile_welsh twm
+       WHERE twm.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in welsh mainfile',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- Organisations
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Preparing to update welsh organisations', clock_timestamp();
+       CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_organisations_welsh ON COMMIT DROP AS
+       SELECT to_timestamp(nullif(substring(data,1,14),'00000000000000'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS timestamp,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,15,4)),'') AS outward_code,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,19,3)),'') AS inward_code,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,22,2)),'') AS delivery_point_suffix,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,24,1)),'') AS postcode_type,
+                       nullif(substring(data,25,8)::integer,0) AS address_key,
+                       nullif(substring(data,33,8)::integer,0) AS organisation_key,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,41,1)),'') AS amendment_type,
+                       nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) AS record_type,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,43,60)),'') AS organisation_name,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,103,60)),'') AS department_name,
+                       nullif(trim(substring(data,163,6)),'') AS po_box_number
+       FROM data_stage 
+       WHERE nullif(substring(data,42,1)::integer,0) IN (2,3); 
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Prepared % records for update on welsh organisations',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       DELETE FROM public.pc_paf_organisations o
+       USING tmp_organisations_welsh txw WHERE COALESCE(txw.organisation_key, txw.address_key) = o.organisation_key AND txw.postcode_type = o.postcode_type
+       AND txw.amendment_type IN ('D', 'B');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Removed % records from welsh organisations',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_organisations
+       SELECT COALESCE(txw.organisation_key, txw.address_key), txw.postcode_type, txw.organisation_name, txw.department_name
+       FROM tmp_organisations_welsh txw
+       WHERE txw.amendment_type IN ('I', 'C');
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Created % records in welsh organisations',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       -- So far I haven't seen a changes file for postzon data, without which updates will most likely fail on
+       -- the fk for pc_paf_postzon_100m.  I've also not seen an alias changes file.
+       -- If I did have a postzon changes file, it'd most likely be best to import the data directly and use postgis to do our conversion
+       -- as the data is selected out of the data_stage table (rather than using the convert_paf.pl script). We could get those fields with
+       -- something like:
+       -- CASE WHEN substring(northing,1,1) ~ '[\x4f-\x5a]' THEN '1' || translate(northing, 'POUTZY', '221100') ELSE northing END || '0' AS f_notrhing,
+       -- ST_x(ST_transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT('||easting||' '||f_northing||')',CASE WHEN postcode LIKE 'BT%' THEN 29903 ELSE 27700 END),4326)) AS longitude,
+       -- ST_y(ST_transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT('||easting||' '||f_northing||')',CASE WHEN postcode LIKE 'BT%' THEN 29903 ELSE 27700 END),4326)) AS latitude;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Fudging postzon', clock_timestamp();
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_postzon_100m (outward_code, inward_code)
+       SELECT DISTINCT m.outward_code, m.inward_code 
+       FROM tmp_mainfile m
+       WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM public.pc_paf_postzon_100m p WHERE p.outward_code = m.outward_code AND p.inward_code = m.inward_code);
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Fudged % mainfile records in postzon',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       INSERT INTO public.pc_paf_postzon_100m (outward_code, inward_code)
+       SELECT DISTINCT mw.outward_code, mw.inward_code 
+       FROM tmp_mainfile_welsh mw
+       WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM public.pc_paf_postzon_100m p WHERE p.outward_code = mw.outward_code AND p.inward_code = mw.inward_code);
+       GET DIAGNOSTICS v_processed = ROW_COUNT;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Fudged % welsh mainfile records in postzon',clock_timestamp(), v_processed;
+       RAISE NOTICE '%: Completed', clock_timestamp();
+       RETURN true;    
+-- Standard master view for postcode tables
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.pc_paf_master_view AS
+SELECT m.building_number,
+       b.building_name,
+       sb.sub_building_name,
+       COALESCE(o.organisation_name, lo.organisation_name) AS organisation_name,
+       COALESCE(o.department_name, lo.department_name) AS department_name,
+       m.po_box_number,
+       t.thoroughfare_name,
+       td.thoroughfare_descriptor,
+       td.approved_abbreviation,
+       l.post_town,
+       l.dependent_locality,
+       l.double_dependent_locality,
+       apc.county_name,
+       m.outward_code,
+       m.inward_code,
+       m.number_of_households,
+       m.postcode_type,
+       m.concatenation_indicator,
+       m.delivery_point_suffix,
+       m.small_user_organisation_indicator,
+       EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh mw WHERE mw.address_key = m.address_key AND mw.organisation_key IS NOT DISTINCT FROM m.organisation_key AND mw.postcode_type IS NOT DISTINCT FROM m.postcode_type) AS welsh_alternative_available,
+       p.longitude,
+       p.latitude
+FROM public.pc_paf_mainfile m
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_localities l USING (locality_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_thoroughfares t USING (thoroughfare_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor td USING (thoroughfare_descriptor_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_building_names b USING (building_name_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_sub_building_names sb USING (sub_building_name_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_organisations o USING (organisation_key, postcode_type)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_organisations lo ON m.address_key = lo.organisation_key AND m.postcode_type = lo.postcode_type
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_postzon_100m p USING (outward_code, inward_code)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_county_alias a ON a.postcode = (rpad(m.outward_code,4) || m.inward_code)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_counties apc ON apc.county_key = a.former_postal_county;
+-- Welsh master view for postcode tables
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.pc_paf_master_welsh_view AS
+SELECT mw.building_number,
+       b.building_name,
+       sb.sub_building_name,
+       COALESCE(o.organisation_name, lo.organisation_name) AS organisation_name,
+       COALESCE(o.department_name, lo.department_name) AS department_name,
+       mw.po_box_number,
+       t.thoroughfare_name,
+       td.thoroughfare_descriptor,
+       td.approved_abbreviation,
+       l.post_town,
+       l.dependent_locality,
+       l.double_dependent_locality,
+       apc.county_name,
+       mw.outward_code,
+       mw.inward_code,
+       mw.number_of_households,
+       mw.postcode_type,
+       mw.concatenation_indicator,
+       mw.delivery_point_suffix,
+       mw.small_user_organisation_indicator,
+       p.longitude,
+       p.latitude
+FROM public.pc_paf_mainfile_welsh mw
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_localities l USING (locality_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_thoroughfares t USING (thoroughfare_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_thoroughfare_descriptor td USING (thoroughfare_descriptor_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_building_names b USING (building_name_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_sub_building_names sb USING (sub_building_name_key)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_organisations o USING (organisation_key, postcode_type)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_organisations lo ON mw.address_key = lo.organisation_key AND mw.postcode_type = lo.postcode_type
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_postzon_100m p USING (outward_code, inward_code)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_county_alias a ON a.postcode = (rpad(mw.outward_code,4) || mw.inward_code)
+LEFT OUTER JOIN public.pc_paf_counties apc ON apc.county_key = a.former_postal_county;
\ No newline at end of file